Academic Presentations
Author Talk: Exhibits in Archives and Special Collections Libraries, Art Libraries Society of North America, Online, April 9, 2020
Loss and Grief: An Inevitable Byproduct of Donor Relations in Special Collections. Lightening talk, Archives Managers Unconference, SAA 2019
Virtual, Mechanical, Invisible and Radical: Rochester Convergences Across Town and Across Disciplines. Panel Presentation, RBMS, New Orleans, June 2018
Alt-advocacy in Special Collections: Louisiana Alternative Publications in the Digital Age, LOUIS Users Conference, 2015, October 7, 2015
Thinking about Exhibits in Special Collections: Ideas and Advocacy! Teaching with Primary Sources Unconference, Society of American Archivists, Cleveland, OH, August 19, 2015
Beefcake on the Bayou: Carl Corley, Southern Queer Pulp and Building Controversial Collections in 21st Century Special Collections. American Cultural Association/Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, LA, April 3, 2015
Connecting Our Collections to our Communities: Developing Exhibit Programs in Archives. Society of American Archivists, Washington, DC, August 2014
All for One and one for All: State Archives and Effective Archival Advocacy (session coordinator and chair) Society of American Archivists, New Orleans, LA, August 17, 2013
WBH@100: Redeeming the Legacy of one of UA’s most important Alums, William Bradford Huie. In session “Advocacy All Around Us: Engaging Controversies, Collaborations, and Collectors in Archives”, Society of American Archivists, San Diego, CA, August 10, 2012
Beyond the Flat: Rethinking Exhibit Development in Archives and Special Collections. Alabama Museums Association, February 20, 2012
Two Point OH!: Newish Tools for Collection Development & Donor Relations (Social Media and Collection Development in Archives and Special Collections) (invited), Society of Georgia Archivists, November 3, 2011
Text(iles), Guns, and Rock n’ Roll: Exhibitions, Popular Culture, and the (re)definition of Special Collections. Panel Presentation: Southern Archives Conference, Birmingham, AL. Sept. 23, 2010
Old Stuff, New Tricks: How Archivists Are Making Special Collections Even More Special Using Web 2.0 Technologies. Panel session: American Historical Association, New York, NY, Jan. 3, 2009.
“’Where, by the way, is this Train Going?’: The Anatomy and Renaissance of African American Studies at the University of Alabama: A Roundtable Discussion, Association for the Study of African American Life and History, October 4, 2008.
All Dressed up and Everywhere to Go…Publishers’ Bindings Online, Digital Technology & the Wonder & Impact of Virtual Access (Invited lecture), The Well-Dressed Book, a day-long symposium on Publishers’ Bindings, Hornbake Library, The University of Maryland, March 14, 2008
Publishers’ Bindings Online, A Whirlwind Tour (Invited lecture), Day-long symposium, The History, Technology and Conservation of Nineteenth-Century Publishers’ Bindings, The Grolier Club, New York, NY, February 22, 2008
Publishers’ Bindings Online: The Collaborative Digital Project as a Model for Access, Outreach, & Multidisciplinary Creative Success. (Chair and lead presenter), Society of American Archivists annual meeting, Chicago, IL, September 1, 2007
The Impact of Digital Technology on Special Collections Repositories: A Case Study of the W.S. Hoole Special Collections Library, American Historical Association/American Association for History and Computing, Atlanta, GA, January, 2007
Getting the Word Out: Using Exhibits & Events to Market your Collections, Special Libraries Association (SLA) Alabama Chapter Fall Conference, Troy University Montgomery, October, 2006
Developing a Collaborative Model for Researching 19th c. Books and presenting them to a Larger Audience: Issues and Prospects. Rare Books and Manuscripts (RBMS), Austin, TX, June, 2006
Musings Redux: Confessions of a Damned Yankee (paper title). Session: Outsiders on the Inside. Midwest Archives Conference (MAC), Bloomington, Illinois, April 28, 2006
A Nation Bound: American Publishers’ Bindings and their Relevance to and Reflection of Material Culture, Design, and History in America’s First Century, The American Historical Association (AHA), Philadelphia, PA, January, 2006
Publishers’ Bindings Online: Building a Multifaceted Collaborative Digital Project. (With two PhD students working on the PBO Project) Society of Alabama Archivists (SALA) annual mtg, Nov. 2005
Publishers’ Bindings Online. The Changing Book: Transitions in Design, Production, and Preservation. [tent show-poster session/presentation/demonstration], University of Iowa, July 23-24, 2005
Publishers’ Bindings Online: Reflecting American History and Culture via the WWW. AAHC Annual Meeting, Roosevelt University, Schaumburg, IL, April 15, 2005
Nineteenth-Century Publishers’ Bindings: A Reflection of American History and Culture via the World Wide Web. American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Jan. 7, 2005
Publishers’ Bindings Online, 1815-1930: The Art of Books. Society of Alabama Archivists Annual Meeting, Montgomery, AL, October 8, 2004
Public Service in Special Collections: Tales from the Trenches (presented with my graduate assistants, 2004-5 AY). Society of Alabama Archivists Annual Meeting, Montgomery, AL, October 8, 2004
Exploring Book History in the Digital World: Collaboration, Exhibition, and Outreach. American Historical Association, Washington DC, January 10, 2004
Revealing the Hidden: Digital Advances in Conservation Pedagogy [Session Chair], American Historical Association, Washington DC, January 9, 2004
From the Real to the Virtual: Collaborative Archival Exhibits, the World Wide Web and the Changing Face of Archival Outreach. AAHC Annual Meeting, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, March 13-15, 2003
Selected Community, Media, and Non-Academic Presentations
Never Silent: AIDS Education Posters at the University of Rochester. Programing for Stonewall: Out at 50, Rundel, Rochester Public Library, July 2019
Rochester Business Journal Podcast, on the acquisition of the Hon. Louise M. Slaughter Papers:
Never Silent: AIDS Education Posters at the University of Rochester. Highlands at Pittsford, July 2019
Experimenting with the Past: Archives as the Laboratory for the Humanities, MEL Talk, University of Rochester, October 2017
“New” Old Letters, New Scholarship: Discovery, Acquisition, and Beyond for the Isabella Beecher Hooker Papers, University of Rochester Meliora event, the Barnes, Philadelphia, June 7, 2017
A Legacy Woven through Time: The Rich Documentary Heritage of Frederick Douglass, University of Rochester Alumni Event, Anacostia Arts Center, Washington, DC, June 6, 2017
Watchmen, Mockingbirds, and a Writer named Nelle: An Archival Insider’s Perspective, St. James Place (senior citizen community, invited speaker), October 26, 2015
Radio and television appearances, newspaper interviews (7 total) relating to the publishing of Go Set A Watchman, by Harper Lee, and my relationship with Ms. Lee while at The University of Alabama, Baton Rouge and Shreveport, LA, summer 2015 (Sample: local NPR station WRKF’s program, Insight:
Panel discussion on Harper Lee and Go Set a Watchmen, LSU Honors College, September, 2015
Guest speaker, What’s Special About Special Collections, The Reviewers, April, 2015
Invited keynote speaker, Phi Beta Kappa Induction Ceremony, Never a Dull Moment: Intellectual Curiosity, Creativity, Lifelong Learning, and the Life of a Curator, University of Alabama, December 2, 2009
Guest on Miami radio show, Join Us at the Table (, interviewed on the Lupton African American Cookbook Collection, February 2008
Treasures from the Hoole Library, Military Order of the Stars and Bars, September 2007, 2008, 2009.
So, What’s Cool at Hoole? A Virtual Tour of the W.S. Hoole Special Collections Library. Women’s Resource Center Brown Bag Lecture, November 30, 2005
Publishers’ Bindings Online. (User study and presentation) Teaching American History Project. Tuscaloosa City Schools, March 17, 2005
Publishers’ Bindings Online. Alabama Center for the Book Advisory Committee, January 28, 2005
What’s Special about Special Collections: From Tuscaloosa to Glasgow and Back again. The St. Andrews’ Society of Tuscaloosa, November 18, 2004
Genealogical Resources at the W.S. Hoole Special Collections Library, Tuscaloosa Genealogical Society, Morning Group, Tuscaloosa Public Library, November 4, 2004
Victorian Exotica and the World of the 19th C. Decorative Publishers’ Binding, University Women’s Club, Tuscaloosa Alabama, March 9, 2004